Library Support for CACSSS at UCC

UCC Library

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

New e-journals: American Geophysical Union

AGU publishes highly respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals, including the Journal of Geophysical Research, which comprises seven disciplinary sections, and the highly cited Reviews of Geophysics. 16 of their journals (2009 issues only) are now available to UCC users as a result of our participation in the IReL consortium
See our database lists or search for journals on the library web home page.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Library of Congress A-V material on Youtube

The Library of Congress is beginning to make available content from its video and audio collections through YouTube and Apple iTunes in order to make its great resources more widely accessible to a broad audience. See the following on the Library of Congress blog
Click here to access the Youtube material.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Last Chance to complete the IReL survey

Are you a researcher or academic? This is your chance to support the Irish Research e-Library initiative by taking a few minutes to fill in the IReL impact survey. IReL currently provides access to 22,000 e-journals and dozens of online databases. See the IReL website for details. In the current economic climate, it's important that we don't take this valuable initiative for granted. Let the funders know how essential it is for your research.