Library Support for CACSSS at UCC

UCC Library

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

New Subject Portals

There are new subject portals on the Library website for:
English and History of Art. These should prove to be useful starting points for students who need to find databases, journals and web resources for assignments. See Subject Portals

Friday, 11 September 2009

British Library World & Traditional Music... Now Free Online

The British Library has made its world and traditional archives available for free online. The archives consist of over 28,000 tracks dating back to 1898.

For more details see here:

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

e-Image Space blog

This blog, created by James Cronin from dept. of History of Art is worth checking out. The purpose of the blog is to support the study of History of Art at UCC. Specifically, the blog supports a workshop series 'dedicated to the engagement and application of web resources to the disciplinary study of art history within historical studies'. Note the most recent post about a workshop series entitled 'Beyond Wikipedia and Google'.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

New Music Streaming Database for UCC: Music Online

Important new resource: Music Online is the broadest and most comprehensive online database for streaming music. UCC's new subsciption consists of 3 products: 'Classical Music Library', 'Contemporary World Music' and 'Jazz Music Library'. All 3 can be accessed through the unified Music Online interface, or individually via the 'go to' menu at the foot of the Music Online homepage.
In all there are approx. 100,000 tracks on our Music Online package. You can access this resource through the Library website. Go to 'Databases' on the homepage, or through the Search the Library page:

To find out more:
'Classical Music Library'. read more here.
'Contemporary World Music'. read more here.
'Jazz Music Library'. read more here.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Discover, Explore and be Inspired! New Library Website.

UCC Library has a new website! We have added a range of new features designed to help you locate the information and resources you need quickly and efficiently. We've also added a new search functionality so you can do a library catalogue search, look for a journal or search acress databases - all from our homepage!
Other new features, which we will continue to develop, are subject portals, a 'How do I' section, FAQs and a 'Study & Research Help' section.
Feedback is important to the Library - please email

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Sean O'Riada exhibition in the Library

An exhibition, currently mounted on the ground floor of the Library, is an exploration of Seán Ó Riada’s long association with UCC as evidenced by his personal archive. On display are musical scores, notes about his composition, and also some of his own personal instruments. Also running is a DVD copy of the seminal film ‘Mise Éire’, for which Ó Riada wrote the score. Also showing are excerpts from an RTE ‘Feach’ documentary featuring Ó Riada and showing scenes of Coolea and Ballyvourney in the early ‘70’s.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Streaming Audio Database Trial

‘Music Online’ (from Alexander Street Press) is the broadest and most comprehensive online database in streaming audio. It is now available for a trial period within UCC. For the purposes of the trial Music Online will consist of three cross-searchable databases: ‘Classical Music Library’, ‘Jazz Music Library’, & ‘Contemporary World Music’, offering approx. 95,000 tracks in total. Trial access to this database will expire on 30th May 2009. Access it from the library website trials page, or click here . Note: on-campus only,

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

New e-journals: American Geophysical Union

AGU publishes highly respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals, including the Journal of Geophysical Research, which comprises seven disciplinary sections, and the highly cited Reviews of Geophysics. 16 of their journals (2009 issues only) are now available to UCC users as a result of our participation in the IReL consortium
See our database lists or search for journals on the library web home page.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Library of Congress A-V material on Youtube

The Library of Congress is beginning to make available content from its video and audio collections through YouTube and Apple iTunes in order to make its great resources more widely accessible to a broad audience. See the following on the Library of Congress blog
Click here to access the Youtube material.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Last Chance to complete the IReL survey

Are you a researcher or academic? This is your chance to support the Irish Research e-Library initiative by taking a few minutes to fill in the IReL impact survey. IReL currently provides access to 22,000 e-journals and dozens of online databases. See the IReL website for details. In the current economic climate, it's important that we don't take this valuable initiative for granted. Let the funders know how essential it is for your research.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Library Guide to Finding Images

Check out the new page on Booleweb about how to source images for coursework and for research. You can find it under 'Learn how to' or by clicking here. It covers Library resources, free web resources and copyright information.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Focus on 'Film Index International'

Film Index International is the definitive online resource focusing on entertainment films and personalities. Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute (bfi) it is based on the Summary of Film and Television (SIFT) database collated by the bfi over the past 70 years.
Film Index International provides in-depth indexing of over 125,000 films - from the first silent movies to the latest blockbusters - and biographical information for more than 800,000 personalities. Its rich content also includes coverage of international film awards and prizes as well as searchable plot summaries and full cast and crew lists. Access this resource from database lists on the Library website at or click here for direct access.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

French Film

The 20th Cork French Film Festival will take place during the first week of March. In anticipation of this, why not check out UCC Library's collection of French films. See a selection from the Library catalogue here .

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Berg Publisher Trial Journals

Berg Publishers is delighted to offer institutions a 30-day free trial to its journals collection of 13 titles, including current and available back issues (strong focus on visual culture).
Start date: 3/03/09
End Date: 01/04/09

Monday, 23 February 2009

Endnote Session

An Introduction to EndNote.

When: Wednesday 25th March, 2009 11.30 - 1.00
Where: Research Skills Teaching Room

To book a place email

See also: EndNote Class Notes PDF

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Darwin Exhibition in the Library

Thursday 12th February marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.
To celebrate the occasion, a new exhibition is now available for viewing in the Boole Library:
The Charles Darwin Bicentennial: UCC Celebrates Natural History and the Victorian Scholar
Location: Exhibition Area Boole Library.
The exhibition displays rare and influential works from UCC Library’s Special Collections, by Darwin and those who influenced him. The books are enhanced by specimens from UCC’s Zoology and Geology Museums.
Highlights include:
- A rare first edition of Origin of Species, along with a wide range of Darwin first editions, including Descent of Man.
- Specimens from UCC’s Zoology Museum, including two actually collected by Charles Darwin himself in Patagonia, South America, during the H.M.S. Beagle voyage, under the command of Captain Robert Fitz Roy (1831-1836). - Specimens from the Geology Museum that illustrate the fossil record, including a complete Ichthyosaur, over 250 million years old, and the transitional fossil Archaeopteryx, also known as “first bird”. - Beautifully illustrated works including a full set of the original volumes of The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 1832 to 1836 with John Gould’s famous bird descriptions.

The exhibition will run until the end of March, so I do hope you get a chance to drop in sometime.
With thanks to Siobhan Bowman, Special Collections

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

TASI rebranded as JISC Digitial media

TASI, one of the JISC’s Advisory Services, has re-branded as JISC Digital Media. They will continue to provide advice, training and guidance on the creation and use of digital media collections, however the recently expanded service now provides expertise in moving images and sound in addition to still images and their use in learning, teaching and research. See here.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

An Introduction to EndNote

Training session will take place on
Friday 27th February 2009
11.30am - 1.00pm

In the Research Skills Teaching Room, Q-1, Boole Library basement.

Meet at the Library Reception/Security Desk, just inside barriers at entrance to Library, at 11.25am.

Places limited so please email/phone:
Richard Bradfield (Science Librarian): Tel: 4903971

Monday, 26 January 2009

Focus on: Oxford Music Online (including Grove Music)

Oxford Music Online is a gateway that offers users the ability to access and cross-search the resources of Oxford's music reference in one location. The cornerstone of Oxford Music Online is Grove Music Online. For more in-depth information about the editorial changes behind the Grove relaunch, please visit the Grove Music Online page.
Oxford Music Online also features the Encyclopedia of Popular Music — online for the first time by popular demand. The most comprehensive reference work devoted exclusively to popular music, the Encyclopedia is the authoritative biographical encyclopedia of rock, pop, and jazz artists, covering popular music from 1900 to the present. It is exhaustive, meticulous and authoritative. The database also contains The Oxford Companion to Music and The Oxford Dictionary of Music . Other features include Music Timelines, Topical Guides and Research Resources.
Check out Oxford Music Online under 'Electronic resources' on the Library webpage, or click here.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Irish Times Digital Archive now available

The Irish Times Digital archive is now available to UCC staff and students thanks to UCC Library's participation in the IReL consortium. It is a fully searchable exact reproduction of all editions published by the Irish Times from 1859 onwards. Editions are added seven days after publication date. The database is available through Proquest. Click here (and scroll down) for access (or through 'Electronic Resources' on the Library website). Off campus access is also available using 'Your Library Record'.