Thursday, 11 December 2008
Trial: American Newspapers through Proquest
American Newspaper content is now available through Proquest for a trial periosd :Wall street journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Sentinel. Use the Proquest Platform to search content from these newspapers. Coverage dates back to the 1850s for many of the publications. Trial access to this database will expire on 23rd December 2008. See here.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Historical Newspapers: The Irish Times Proquest Trial
The Irish Times (1859-2007) is now available through ProQuest. Select this title from the drop-down database menu. Trial access to this database will expire on 23rd December 2008. See here. Note that we still have access to the Irish Times Digital Archive as usual.
Friday, 7 November 2008
'Introduction to ARTstor' session in the Library
There will be an introdcution to ARTstor session on Monday 1st December from 1-2pm. The session will be held in the Research Skills Teaching Room in Q-1 (basement) of the Library, and all are welcome. ARTstor is a digital library with approx. 1 million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Image Searching on the Web

Would you like to learn how to use the Internet to find copyright cleared images for your work, quickly and efficiently? INTUTE and TASI have produced a free online interactive tutorial on image searching on the web. The tutorial looks at the pros and cons of using search engines to find images and the financial and legal implications of using them. Key online sites and collections are also highlighted. The tutorial is part of a much larger collection of online tutorials (the 'virtual traning suite') which is available on the INTUTE site.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Jazz collection
With the jazz weekend coming up, it's a good time to check out what the Library holds by way of jazz-related books, journals etc. Click here for a look.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Silent Film
The Cork Film festival takes place this year from 12th to the 19th October. The Tuesday night gala features Paul Merton discussing silent film. You may not be aware that the library has an impressive collection of silent film (see here for a list from the Library catalogue) as well as many books on the subject (see here)
Friday, 26 September 2008
British Periodicals Trial

This database provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. It traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. On trial in UCC until 25th October. Access here or through the database trials page.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
New Trial: Periodicals Archive Online
Periodicals Archive Online (from ProQuest), previously known as PCI Full Text, is an archive of hundreds of digitised journals published in the arts, humanities and social sciences. It provides researchers with access to more than 200 years of scholarship, spread across a wide variety of subject areas. It is on trial in UCC until October 31st. Access it here or from the trials page on the library website.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Poets on Screen
An interesting feature on the LION database, The Poets On Screen Library contains 896 clips of poets reading their own and other poets' work. You will need to have RealPlayer or Windows Media Player installed on your PC to view these clips. Poets reading their own work include Paul Muldoon, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Margaret Atwood, Richard Wilbur, Roger McGough and many more. The resource features hundreds of poets whose work is read by others e.g. Yeats, Wordsworth, Whitman, Tennyson, Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Hopkins, Donne, Heaney, Hardy, Blake. Lion is listed on the Library's A-Z of databases
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Blu-ray in the Library
UCC Library has started to acquire Blu-ray discs for the collection. The first movies available in the Library in this format are:
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Departed
There Will be Blood
For now, they are for library use only, and can be viewed on the 4 Blu-ray players in the Multimedia area on Q+3.
What is Blu-ray? Click here.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Departed
There Will be Blood
For now, they are for library use only, and can be viewed on the 4 Blu-ray players in the Multimedia area on Q+3.
What is Blu-ray? Click here.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Environment & Planning Journals

Online access is now available to the Environment and Planning series of journals (A, B, C & D)from Pion Ltd. The years available to IReL members are 1998 – 2008.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Web of Knowledge Enhancements
There are some new enhancements to Web of Knowledge:
Citation Mapping • Be the first to see the beta version of this powerful new Web of Science® visualization tool. Visualize citation relationships and understand the meaning of a cited reference search. Map citations by author, institution, country, subject, and more!
Additional All-Database search options • Now you can sort by Times Cited* and search for specific addresses within an All-Database search, making this powerful feature even more flexible and convenient.
New 2007 Data for Journal Citation Reports®** • The new 2007 data provides the most current information available to determine a publication's impact and influence in the global research community.
Collaborate and share material easier with EndNote®Web • Designate read/write access for shared EndNote Web folders. Link to the full text of articles directly from EndNote Web records.
Unique DOI number •
View the DOI number in the full record and after export to bibliographic management tools.
Access through the Library website at:
Citation Mapping • Be the first to see the beta version of this powerful new Web of Science® visualization tool. Visualize citation relationships and understand the meaning of a cited reference search. Map citations by author, institution, country, subject, and more!
Additional All-Database search options • Now you can sort by Times Cited* and search for specific addresses within an All-Database search, making this powerful feature even more flexible and convenient.
New 2007 Data for Journal Citation Reports®** • The new 2007 data provides the most current information available to determine a publication's impact and influence in the global research community.
Collaborate and share material easier with EndNote®Web • Designate read/write access for shared EndNote Web folders. Link to the full text of articles directly from EndNote Web records.
Unique DOI number •
View the DOI number in the full record and after export to bibliographic management tools.
Access through the Library website at:
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Wiley InterScience now includes Blackwell journals
1.6 million articles from Blackwell journals were successfully loaded onto Wiley InterScience over the weekend and the site went live again this Monday.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Blackwell Synergy merging into Wiley Interscience
As of Monday, June 30th 2008, all Blackwell journal content—including all full-text HTML and PDF versions of articles from current issues, backfiles, and issues published online before print—will be incorporated into Wiley InterScience.
Blackwell Synergy will be closed at the end of business (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday June 27th and it is anticipated that the migration will be completed by Monday June 30th. Over the weekend of June 28th and 29th, there will be a period when both Blackwell Synergy and Wiley InterScience will be unavailable.
As of June 30, 2008, all journal content on Blackwell Synergy will be merged into Wiley InterScience.
After June 30th, Blackwell Synergy will no longer be available.
Blackwell Synergy will be closed at the end of business (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday June 27th and it is anticipated that the migration will be completed by Monday June 30th. Over the weekend of June 28th and 29th, there will be a period when both Blackwell Synergy and Wiley InterScience will be unavailable.
As of June 30, 2008, all journal content on Blackwell Synergy will be merged into Wiley InterScience.
After June 30th, Blackwell Synergy will no longer be available.
2007 Data now on Journal Citation Reports
The Journal Citation information for 2007 is now available at Journal Citation Reports (part of Web of Knowledge) The Social Sciences edition covers over 1,700 journals, while the Science collection covers over 5,900 titles.Useful information gan be gained from the data, including:
* Number of articles published in the journal in for a given year.* Number of citations to that journal from articles published in a given year.* Impact factor of the journal, and how it ranks in impact in relation to other journals. Access Web of Knowledge from Electronic Resources list on Library website.
* Number of articles published in the journal in for a given year.* Number of citations to that journal from articles published in a given year.* Impact factor of the journal, and how it ranks in impact in relation to other journals. Access Web of Knowledge from Electronic Resources list on Library website.
Friday, 20 June 2008
Frank O'Connor at UCC
This is an exhibition designed by the Library Archives Service to highlight the breadth of O’Connor’s work as a writer and cultural commentator. Drawing on the archival collections in University College Cork and artefacts loaned by the O’Donovan family for the exhibition, the famous short story writer is revealed as a true ‘man of letters’ with wide ranging cultural interests. O’Connor’s work on Irish translations (a relatively neglected part of his output) will feature, as will items relating to his first mentor and early teacher, Daniel Corkery. Of special interest is a showing of Tom Hayes' classic film ‘Cradle of Genius’ narrated by O’Connor, which takes a look at the Abbey Theatre after the fire which devastated its premises in 1951. The exhibition was timed to coincide with the 10th Annual Conference on the Short Story held at UCC and will run throughout the summer in the Boole Library
Exhibition opening hours
9.00 – 4.30 Monday to Friday
10.00 – 12.30 Saturday
Exhibition runs throughout the summer from the 18th June
Exhibition opening hours
9.00 – 4.30 Monday to Friday
10.00 – 12.30 Saturday
Exhibition runs throughout the summer from the 18th June
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Evaluating Information Sources
New material has been added to the Library's Infomation Literacy web pages. The ability to evaluate information sources is crucial for 3rd level assignments and 4th level research. These new guides outline the range of information sources available and how to impose quality control using a 10-point framework/checklist. Information on journal metrics and citiation impact is also provided on the postgraduate guide. Click here for direct access, or access through the Library website by clicking on the link for Information Literacy and then the 'Learn how to...' section.
Friday, 23 May 2008
British Periodicals Trial

Searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. This resource traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. A unique record of more than two centuries of British history and culture. Trial access to this database will expire on 19th June 2008. Click here.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
The John Johnson Collection: Now on Trial
The John Johnson Collection broadens access to a wide array of rare or unique archival materials documenting various aspects of everyday life in Britain in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The material is made up of different types of printed document, including posters and handbills for theatrical and non-theatrical entertainments, broadsides relating to murders and executions, book and journal prospectuses, popular topographical prints, and printed advertising material. It covers subject areas which include, among others, histories of consumption, leisure, gender, popular culture, commerce, technology, crime. Each item is presented as a full-colour, high-resolution facsimile. Trial access to this databases will expire on 25th May 2008. Click here for access
Monday, 21 April 2008
RILM Music Abstracts Trial

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature RILM (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale) Abstracts of Music Literature published by Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale, New York, contains records in over 100 languages; entries include original-lanugage titles, title translations in English, full bibliographical information and abastracts in English as well as author, journal and in-depth subject indexes. RILM currently contains nearly 500,000 entries. This trial is available on the EBSCO platform. Click here.
Oxford Language Dictionaries Online: Trial
The innovative Oxford Language Dictionaries Online site offers essential language resources never before available online: fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages. Trial access to this database is available until 30th April 2008. Click here.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Extended Opening in the Library

From Monday, April 14th 2008, there will be extended opening hours in the Library. The Quadrangle Reading Room on the Q (ground) floor will now be open after the library building closes (up to 1.45am). This is a study area only and there will be no access to books, photocopying or PCs. The room is self-contained with its own toilets and swipe access door. There are 88 reader spaces in the room and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The room will be monitored by an invigilator who will have hotline access to Campus security.
The procedure for use of this room is that room will have to be vacated and all personal items removed when the Library closes. All library material will be removed from the room and entrances to the main library will be locked. Students can then re-enter through the external swipe access door. For security reasons all users of this room must also sign in with the invigilator.
The procedure for use of this room is that room will have to be vacated and all personal items removed when the Library closes. All library material will be removed from the room and entrances to the main library will be locked. Students can then re-enter through the external swipe access door. For security reasons all users of this room must also sign in with the invigilator.
To find out more, click here.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Classical Music Library Trial

Classical Music Library is a multi-label database of Classical music recordings with a particular focus on content that meets the needs of educators and students. Classical Music Library is a growing collection of 50,000-plus tracks for listening and searching, supplemented by extensive reference materials and backed by a suite of tools designed to support learning. Trial access to this database will expire on the 6th April 2008. Access from the trials page on Booleweb or click here.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
New Web Pages for Multimedia
New web pages are now available on Booleweb with web guides for film, music, art/image and general multimedia resources, both on the web and in the Library collection. Click here to have a look. Feedback is welcome.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Library Survey 2008

The Library is currently running a rigorously tested web-based survey called LibQUAL.
It will give you the chance to tell us what you think about our services, and where the Library services need improvement. As a staff member or student, your feedback is very important.
The library is running the survey over the next 3 weeks. Please take 10 minutes to complete it. There are prizes which have been generously sponsored by suppliers.You can take the survey on our Library website.
It will give you the chance to tell us what you think about our services, and where the Library services need improvement. As a staff member or student, your feedback is very important.
The library is running the survey over the next 3 weeks. Please take 10 minutes to complete it. There are prizes which have been generously sponsored by suppliers.You can take the survey on our Library website.
Monday, 25 February 2008
'LibraryThing' on the Library Catalogue

As part of our OPAC redesign project, we have now rolled out a new enhancement feature. LibraryThing for Libraries is a social cataloguing web application which draws on the extensive LibraryThing database for tags, suggestions for similar titles and details of other editions and translations.For an example of the links see “The architecture of happiness” by Alan De Botton.You will see a list of “Similar Books” and a “tag cloud” at the bottom of the page.If you click on one of the tags at the bottom of the screen, it will open a tag browser which will show books in our collections with that LibraryThing tag.In the same way, the “Similar Books” list is linked through the tags. All links are to other books in our collections.
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Multimedia Area on Q+3
The new Multimedia area is now open on Q+3. We have 21 booths. 19 have 26” Bravia LCD TVs, 19 have Dell PCs, 4 have Blu-ray, 6 have multiregional DVD (HDMI), 9 have multiregional DVD/VCR combis. 2 of the booths will have the old audio equipment (for cassettes and vinyl records).
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Naxos Music Trial
Naxos Music Library is now on trial in UCC (not off-campus). This is world’s largest music listening service with 265,000 tracks from Naxos and other leading independent labels, including Classical music, Jazz, World, Folk and Chinese music. While listening, you can read notes on the works being played as well as biographical information on composers or artists.The trial ends on 29th February 2008.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
ARTstor sessions in Library
Book a place on an introductory session:
Wednesday 30th January 1pm
Tuesday 5th February 1pm
Wednesday 6th February 1pm
The room is situated in Q-1 in the Library and can hold about 25 at a time.
Please email Ronan ( (name and student number and preferred date, with subject: ‘ARTstor training’) if you would like to attend.
N.B. You must book your place if you wish to attend
Wednesday 30th January 1pm
Tuesday 5th February 1pm
Wednesday 6th February 1pm
The room is situated in Q-1 in the Library and can hold about 25 at a time.
Please email Ronan ( (name and student number and preferred date, with subject: ‘ARTstor training’) if you would like to attend.
N.B. You must book your place if you wish to attend
Friday, 11 January 2008
ARTstor: update
ARTstor (containing 550,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities and social sciences) is now listed on Booleweb on the A-Z list of databases, and on the Arts and Humanities databases list. It is also available off-campus in the usual way i.e. by completing ‘My library record’ details when prompted.
Monday, 7 January 2008
Newsflash: ARTstor at UCC!
UCC now has access to ARTstor, a digital library of approximately 550,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes. More information will be posted shortly.
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