Library Support for CACSSS at UCC

UCC Library

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Jazz Festival

This weekend the Guinness Jazz Festival is taking place in Cork. If you haven't a clue about jazz, but need to bluff your way through the weekend, check out the Library's collection of jazz books here!.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Library Orientation Workshop

As part of the Postgraduate Induction there will be college specific workshops for Research Students: The Humanities session will be held in the Library on: Monday, October 22nd at 11am
To book a place email

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Group Research Room for Film Viewing

One of the group research rooms on Q+3 is now available for viewing films in groups of 3-6. Enquire at the Q+3 desk or make a booking by calling (021) 4902188

Friday, 5 October 2007

E-resource of the week: Index of Christian Art

A thematic and iconographic index of early Christian and medieval art objects to 1400. Contains works indexed by the Princeton University archive since 1991. The database is both text and image. It contains 57,000 work of Art records, 28,000 subject records and 37,000 bibliographic records. To access, click here, or find the link on Booleweb. Available on-campus only.