The new Multimedia area will be on the North East side of the floor (older section).
The furniture has arrived and will be assembled and fixed in position over the coming days. We will have 21 desks/booths, 9 of which will be doubles. In terms of equipment, 19 of the booths will have 26” Bravia LCD TVs, 19 will have Dell PCs, 3 to have Blu-ray, 7 to have multiregional DVD (HDMI), 9 to have multiregional DVD/VCR combis. 2 of the booths will have the old audio equipment (for cassette, records). The new area should be ready to use in late January/early February.
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Thursday, 13 December 2007
A-V Material in Open Reserve
DVDs and videos that are in high demand can now be placed in the 'Open Reserve' area on the Q floor of the Library. Material held there can be borrowed for up to 4 hours using the self issue/self return unit there. This means that students can access those materials any time the Library is open, not just during service hours.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Trial: Periodicals Index Online (POI)
Periodicals Index Online (PIO) is the leading multidisciplinary index to the Arts, Humanities, and the Social Sciences. Over 4,720 journals are included, with an additional one million records from new journals added on an on-going basis. Complete runs of these titles are indexed, from first issue to 1995 or ceased date. This database is available until 13th December 2007.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
E-Resource of the Week: Proquest Dissertations & Theses
The most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world. Graduate students customarily consult the database to make sure their proposed thesis or dissertation topics have not already been written about. Students, faculty, and other researchers search it for titles related to their scholarly interests. Many of these provide lenthy previews. Full-text PDF copies may be ordered online. See 'Databases A-Z' on Booleweb, or click here. Off-campus access is available.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Trial: Irish Times Digital Archive
The Irish Times Digital Archive is on trial in UCC until the 26th November. It is a fully searchable digital archive containing every page of The Irish Times published since the newspaper's foundation in 1859.
E-resource of the Week: ACLS Humanities E-book
Humanities e-Book is an online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the Humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars, providing a digital collection of over 1500 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with twelve learned societies, nearly 90 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office. For access check Booleweb, or click here.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Jazz Festival
This weekend the Guinness Jazz Festival is taking place in Cork. If you haven't a clue about jazz, but need to bluff your way through the weekend, check out the Library's collection of jazz books here!.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Library Orientation Workshop
As part of the Postgraduate Induction there will be college specific workshops for Research Students: The Humanities session will be held in the Library on: Monday, October 22nd at 11am
To book a place email
To book a place email
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Group Research Room for Film Viewing
One of the group research rooms on Q+3 is now available for viewing films in groups of 3-6. Enquire at the Q+3 desk or make a booking by calling (021) 4902188
Friday, 5 October 2007
E-resource of the week: Index of Christian Art
A thematic and iconographic index of early Christian and medieval art objects to 1400. Contains works indexed by the Princeton University archive since 1991. The database is both text and image. It contains 57,000 work of Art records, 28,000 subject records and 37,000 bibliographic records. To access, click here, or find the link on Booleweb. Available on-campus only.
Friday, 28 September 2007
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Multimedia on Q+3
Q+3 is up and running again, but one area still needs to completed: A new Multimedia area is planned and will be available in a few weeks time. In the meantime we have temporary facilities available in the group research rooms on this floor.
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Return to Q+3
The Arts and Humanities collection is moving back to Q+3! The collection will be out of bounds from today until Monday 10th September to facilitate the move. Normal service will then resume.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Q+3 Refurbishment
The Q+3 floor will be refurbished this August. Collections will be unavailable from Thursday 2nd August to allow for the collections to be moved to Q-1. Collections and the Information Desk service will be based on Q-1 throughout August. Our service will resume there on Friday 10th. Please refer to notices for updates, or ask at the Q+3 Information desk (4902188). Note: We advise you to borrow Q+3 books by Wednesday 1st if required.
Friday, 27 July 2007
Frank O' Connor website
This authorised website has been commissioned by the Boole Library, University College Cork and is designed to provide accurate information about the life and work of the Irish writer (1903-1966). The site includes samples of his less well-known publications, rare photographs, manuscripts, and video clips including Richard Ford speaking on O' Connor in the RTE documentary 'Lonely Voice'. Access the site here, or through the Library website.
Friday, 20 July 2007
E-resource of the week - Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection
This resource offers access to over 150 of Oxford University Press' reference titles including an extensive range of language and subject dictionaries, plus access to some General Reference material. Also included are titles from the "Oxford Companion" Series providing informative subject overviews. In all there are over 1 million entries across 25 subject areas, with a wide range of additional material such as maps, illustrations and timelines.View a complete list of contents here. You can also access the resource through the Library web site, on or off-campus. This resource is available to UCC as a result of our participation in IReL.
Monday, 16 July 2007
Information Literacy
Our Information Literacy web pages have been updated and can be viewed here. You can read about how information literacy is of benefit to students, postgraduates and researchers. There are links to useful guides to writing a literature review and searching the internet. Further guides will be added at a later stage. Updates about information literacy initiaves will also be included.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
New Blog For UCC
This is the new blog for the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences in UCC.
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